Sunday, October 26, 2008

A "Sin" or a "Good Deed"

One upon a time, on the banks of great river Ganga, there lived a famous medician.
He was known to save every life that came to him, as if he was an outstanding magician!!

He helped the poor and blessed the young with the knowledge he had, 
and every villager felt blessed to have such a persona in the vicinity....
He had the blessings of Lord Vishnu himself, this was the popular saying,
He can give life to the dying, such was his divinity!!

He had a caring and beautiful wife and a teenage son to care and he loved them to the core of his heart,
and thus his small family lived a happy life..  the best one could imagine..
and the medician prayed to god for all he had, 
and always tried not to commit any "sin".

The medician had never ever in life done anything considered wrong....
and the stories of his prowess and grace were many and long...!!

But one night, when the clouds were dark and light was low, 
it was raining heavily and the heartsbeats were high....
The medician's son who went to river had not returned back ,
and some bad omens were adding  to the outbursting sigh!!

But at the same night , was another boy whose body was brought along with his son's body,
and there was a sign of the snake bite, venom flowing fast into his veins...
and the two bodies were kept in front of the medician , gasping for some breath and life,
and two  bodies in front, dripping wet , as if challenged by the furious rains...

"Oh!!. The boy is the prince himself.. the heir to the throne", cried someone,
and immidiately  all bent down to thier knees, with heads down in the honour....
 and the medician's eyes were wide open and hearthbeats increasing,
for what was about to come.. he was the only saviour....

He examined the nerves of both the boys and out came an "uff",
out of the the blessed divine magician himself in the moment, he needed to decide....
On one hand was his own son whom he loved alot, and on the other was the Prince, 
and all the rules and duties of being a medician he had to abide.....

Soon he had realised that both the boys had equal breaths left before they leave,
and he could , alas, save only one of them even after using all he had.....
Whether to save the son and let the prince die , and face the wrath of society,
or save the prince and let the son die? was the question making him mad....

To save the son would be a selfish  father's duty as he thought it to be.,
but for the society it would still be a medician's fault.. A "Sin" as they might say.....
And if he saves the prince, the leader of the future, the heir to the throne and in the process if his son dies,
No-one but the poor mother would only complain, but a "Good Deed" would be society's way....

He looked into his wife's eyes: red,wet, terrified but still hopefull of his husband's divinity,
And then looked into other's .. all looking at the snake bite.......
He was not able to breathe and was caught in a dilemna he never expected,
and not even god would know what was wrong and what was right??

There was only one answer of which he was in need....
Whether to commit  a "Sin" or a "Good Deed" ?????

Why do we not listen to our heart in situations like these....??
Why is the word "Sin" deadly, even when it can save lives....??
What's correct and incorrect is a matter of thought which each one can have different,
then why .. why on earth do we think more for society than our lives.....
We may not live the way we want it to be, as it can make you do a forbidden...
but does the life remains our in that case, 
and our thoughts are so constrained, so weak, so bed-ridden.....

So, the  medician decided the way as you all would know..
Leaving his son to die, he decided to bury his emotions, and to perform the duty, to save an important life...
and began hastily to do all he could to save the life of the Prince,
and in a corner, sobbing , stood his devastated wife.......

People began to appreciate the decision  , and started helping him for the same,
for the Prince needed to be saved ,for the future lied in the his hands, trembling in pain...
and soon the magic hands started working, for the must move  out of the Prince, 
and his son was slowly but steadily loosing out in the rain......

But, suddenly , a lightning bursted onto the scene and everyone was shocked,
"Prince is not breathing", shouted someone in anxiety and fear....
He checked and chocked... as the Prince was dead!!! , and when he looked at his son's body,
his wife's outcry was all he could hear......

Soon the King arrived and looked at the dead Prince in despair...
It was all  over  for the medician he knew the moment he dropped the wrists of the dead....
"Why did you not try saving my son",asked the King? for you've committed a Sin,
the punishement for which would be your head......

The King was furious , and the medician was silent.. nobody dared to speak the truth..
Medician stood with eyes wide open and it seemed he  was no more interested in his life....
He had given it all he had to do what he considered was right, but lost it in the end.,
and looked at the corner, where stood his sobbing, devastated wife......

Why.. Why.. Why was all I have in  my mind...
for why did nobody tell the king?  what he did...
But for him there was nothing except one thing....

There was only one answer of which he was in need....
What he did.. was it   a "Sin" or a "Good Deed" ?????

1 comment:

zorked said...

apne bete ko bachana tha....
btw its awesome
kudos pp bhaiya