Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I wish i could be a child again, neither too small nor too old....

I would know nothing about anything,
and for me truth would be everything told.....
I would let my imagination fly,
and my every sentence would begin with a "Why"??......
my creativity would soar sky high,
and dreams more precious than gold,
I wish i could be a child again, neither too small nor too old....

My smile would make others smile,
and my laugh would bring laugh along a mile.......
my words may not have meaning at all,
but they would still scribble and fill up the wall......
I would shout,yell and cry at times,
but at the end would need a hand to hold,
I wish i could be a child again, neither too small nor too old....

Anything new i see, i dwell it to the core,
each time i see it again, my eagerness grows more and more......
I would love to go to the park,and play along with friends,
and would dress up the best each time, covering all the trends.....
And still i would have time to listen to all the grandma's stories untold,
I wish i could be a child again, neither too small nor too old....

Each time i dream of it, its like chasing a butterfly, which i can never catch,,
Since, childhood is the best as i say it, which no other age can match.....
later on in life, there are lies and frauds and war and thefts,
and each of us gets casted in the same systems mould......
But each of us contains a child within,
whose innocence still remains unsold......
I wish i could be a child again, neither too small nor too old....

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