Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ohh my dear friend , I am here to be with you,
To support you everywhere in whatever you do!!

When you fell the heat.... i'll be the cloud to rain on you...
When  you feel the cold, i'll be the wood to burn myself  to give you heat!

When you feel the darkness  ,  i'll be the lamp...

When you feel low, i'll be a joker to bring smile on ur face!!
When you feel happy ,  i'll be the satisfaction of your heart!!

When u feel nostalgic , i'll be the cute little dish you used to eat in ur childhood!!
When u feel bored, i'll be the book you love to read....

When you feel excited, i'll be ur heartbeat running as fast as i can!!
When u feel scared , i'll be the courage to fight all ur fears!!

When u feel cursed  , i'll be the good luck to change things around you!!
When you feel blessed , i'll be the picture to capture ur smile!!

And one day , when u will miss me more than anything else in the world, i'll be the memories we shared and the arms to hug you when we meet...

When you would feel like crying... you wudn't stop i know.... then i'll be the tears out of your eyes which wud make ur heart feel light....

And o my dear , when u feel alone... i'll be the friend, the one to hold ur hands and say  " Jab hum hain , to kya Gam hain??  "

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