Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Love ....


Once upon a time .. in the lands of magic and mystery ,
There was a kingdom of the Barbarians, who had a vengeful history!!

And in the court of the barbarians , was a courtier ..
who was famous throughtout the lands ..
for he might not have been the best in his looks ,
but he was surely a master at magic and had learnt a lot of books..

Untill one day when the Pricess arrived back to the lands ,
she had purple eyes , a bright smile and soft and silky hands...
The Pricess was walking down the aisle of the court one fine day,
and her beauty and charm was making, into the hearts, its own way...

The Courtier was fazed the see her at first , for her beauty was so pure,
but, did she have brains too , was something he wanted to be sure....
So, as the king ordered , began the battle of knowledge and grace ,
for there was something within that girl which made the courtier lose the race...

He was amazed by her beauty, simplicity and knowledge she had,
for he found someone who made him glad..
So, he talked to the Pricess and became they friends,
and soon their friendship was passing all ends...

They talked for hours , spent time below the magic tree for a while,
and each time the Courtier was laft gazing at her smile..
and with time, they shared their goods and bad ,
for both of them had moments which made them happy and some which made them sad,,,

The Pricess was confused what she wanted in her life ,
for she was not a true barbarian , and she wanted to flee...
But how would that happen without the magic knife ,
as that was the only way to open the kingdom doors to be free..

The Courtier on the other hand,was falling in love with his friend,
is it wrong to think like this, thought he, as it might bring the friendship to an end..
So, he told the Pricess

"O my dear Pricess , i like you ...
i like you for what you are,
And my feelings for you keep increasing by the day,
and i want to make you happy and take you far..
Your smile melts my heart and your voice makes it flow ,
for when you are around me, my face has a definite glow ..
I promise to love you.. till the end of my days ,
for i might not be the best at it , but my love has its own ways...

The Pricess looked happy and confused ,
for she didnt know what to say .
so she said..

"O my dear Courtier.. for u told me ur feelings i am glad,
but i cannot be sure, as i dont ever want to make you sad..
I respect you and like you too for what you are ,
But, i cant promise u as we would go how far..."

But this didnt change the Courtier's feelings for her,
for he kept falling in love even more ..
he just tried to make happy , by magic tricks, presents ,and even taking her to the beautiful sea shore..

But one day, Pricess was sick and alone, as the barbarians were away for fight,
and there was no one close to her , as she felt alone, that night..
So, she called called the Courtier through the backdoors into her room ,
where there was just her and the light of the shining moon..
The Courtier, with all the love in his eyes, looked at the Pricess and promised to be around in need ,
they were more than friends, they though within , and suddenly their eyes agreed..
There was a sparkling moment , and came closer their lips to kiss ,
for the passion of their likeliness was leading to a bliss...
They looked into each others eyes to search what lied within ,
love and just love was what was seen ,
as their feelings were new and submiss...

But Suddenly when the Princess came to the senses of this world,
She order the Courtier to leave her alone...
For she didnt want to talk about what happened ,
and there was something different in her tone...

She must be confused about her feelings , thought he as he was about to leave ,
So, he tried to comfort her , but alas ..
the princess was far away from anything to believe..

So, the Courtier left , with felling still unfulfilled ,
But he was in love knew he and his feelings were pure ..
"I'll get what the Princess wants , to free her from her fears",
promised he as he had fallen into something without any cure...

Princess was still confused and she didnt want anything to share,
for the Courtier tried so hard to know what happened , everything out of care...
But nothing did she say as the Courtier tried so hard to know it all,
as the Courtier feared of loosing out on a pal...

The Courtier as still in love , so he kept amusing the Princess ,
to make her happy , to make her smile ,
and to do everything she wanted to stop their relationship turning fragile....

Untill one day, he heard out of the flowing airs out of her window,
that the Princess wanted to fly out of the kingdom into the bright lands of joy so green so bright..
and that was the only thing which kept her away from all , alone thinking all night..

He had to help her set free , for so nice outside would ber her life,
but for that he needed to get somehow the magical knife...
Only a fool would risk his life to steal the barbarian pride ,
but so deeply was he in love that his options were not very wide...

He decided to steal it for her during the fall of the night ,
and would set free the Princess before the dawn was bright..
So, he entered the magical dungeon before anyone could him sneak,
And stole the knife befire anyone could peek ..

Alarms were raised the next morning that the knife was stolen the night before ,
"Get me the thief and hang him " , summoned the king who wanted to settle the score..
Little did the Courtier knew that the magical dungeon had its own magic and powers,
For it would tell who was the thief before he could escape the kingdom towers ...

And so the Courtier was caught and was prepared to be killed by the cruel,
but little did he speak as to where was the knife hidden ...
As the barbarians began to rip his skin out ,
any words out were still forbidden ...

But just then , he saw someone he was waiting to see ,
for the one last time out of all the eyes he was left ...
Still so beatiful, so pure and shining she was , his love ,
that he was not fearing the death anymore out of his theft...

And with his last breaths he spoke..

" I promised to love you.. till the end of my days ,
for i might not have been the best at it , but my love has its own ways...
Today i give you my soul , my feelings and everything i had ,
i set you free for the world which would never let you be sad...
You find your freedom at the place our feelings met that night,
Go.. go my love , live your life as a bird so free , as the new dawn awaits you " .. with his eyes closing out came the final words .
"where you woould be you , so beautiful, pure and bright................................................"

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